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Writers Bar, Raffles Jakarta announces bartender guest shift: Ronny Holicka

by News Editor
Raffles Bar, Jakarta, Paloma Rosa cocktail

The Writers Bar Jakarta has announced an exciting special guest shift by Ronny Holicka, the esteemed Trade Ambassador of Bacardí-Martini Indonesia. Renowned for his mastery of mixology and innovative flavour concoctions, Ronny Holicka will be showcasing an exclusive menu featuring his signature cocktails at The Writers Bar.

Ronny Holicka, guest shift at Writers bar, Jakarta

Ronny Holicka, guest shift at Writers bar, Jakarta

Attendees can look forward to experiencing the seductive allure of the ‘Paloma Rosa’, the refreshing citrus burst of ‘Crystalino’, and the tropical elegance of ‘Estrella’. Each sip promises to be a journey through Patrón’s flavours and Ronny’s expert craftsmanship.

This enchanting bar evening will be accompanied by classic jazzy tunes, creating the perfect ambiance to savor the artistry of Ronny Holicka’s cocktails. Guests are invited to explore the attached e-Menu for a tantalizing glimpse into the offerings that await.

Date: Friday, 31 May 2024
Time: 7.00pm onwards
Price: IDR 155,000++ per glass

For reservations, please contact The Writers Bar at +62 21 2988 0888 or email [email protected].


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